Rim Jhim Rain (Shimmering Rain)

Presented by

Mamta Israni


The Monsoon season in India begins in late May and can last well into October. Stories, games, music, and food bring this special time of the year to life for participants. The workshop begins with a small clip of what the rains mean to the local people. A brief overview is provided on how the season affects the economy, lifestyles, clothing, diet, and transportation. The presenter will offer personal stories, make paper boats, and share food and/or drink from her culture as it relates to the rainy season in India.

Workshop Details




Social Studies



Standard Length


Room Setup

Supplies/Equipment Needed:

Two tables for displaying artifacts and supplies, Projection system (to project video clip and map from laptop), one piece of white (or colored) 8.5x11 paper per student (to make paper boat)

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