We welcome you to bring your unique background — culture, religion, heritage — to students and teachers, seniors and employees across the state. That’s the essential role you’ll play as a CultureALL Ambassador. Essential, because you share firsthand experiences that your audiences may not possess. Essential, because your perspective expands others’ understanding of the world in which they live. The FAQs below should answer your questions about joining us a CultureALL ambassador.
CultureALL Ambassadors must be Iowa residents who were born in another country, have lived or worked extensively in another culture, practice an underrepresented religion, or represent a minoritized population. Ambassadors must be prepared to share their unique background with others in the community.
CultureALL Ambassadors will be asked to present 40- to 60-minute workshops that will help others better understand their unique culture/heritage/religion. These highly interactive workshops range from sharing personal stories, artifacts, foods, arts and music, and other aspects of your culture, providing participants with a deeper understanding of that culture and how it might relate to their own experiences.
CultureALL will work with you to create a workshop – maybe even more than one – based on your interests, passions, and talents – that engages students and adults at various levels. You will have an opportunity to observe other Ambassadors’ workshops and ask them questions. When you are ready, CultureALL will schedule a time for you to share your workshop with CultureALL staff and Ambassadors for constructive feedback. CultureALL will also work with you to develop a synopsis of your presentation(s) which will be used to promote your workshop(s).
Once your workshop is approved, the number of hours you work is completely in your control. Typically, a client contacts CultureALL to request an Ambassador, providing options for dates and times. Then, CultureALL contacts the Ambassador to select the date that works best. If the Ambassador has other commitments or obligations, they are free to decline the offer.
As an Ambassador, you have valuable life experiences. You are valued for sharing those experiences with other Iowans. Therefore, CultureALL is committed to compensating you for your presentations and workshops. YOU are the reason CultureALL exists.
To start the process, call us at 515-273-8569 or send an email.